Our People


Pete has recently been bitten by the the mountain-bike bug REALLY badly and tries to get on his bike every day. He grew up ski racing, road racing, windsurfing, climbing, and loves just about every outdoor sport. Pete wants to help people find common ground in a love of outdoors. Pete works in software, and the question he gets most often when he says he is a VP is ‘Wait…you are someone’s boss!?!’


Jake is an DH racer who manages to throw a bit of steeze on the race course. Jake lives and breathes mountain biking. When you ask him ‘what do you want to do after high-school?’ he just points at his bike and smiles. Jake helps to grow mountain biking by spending much of the year coaching kids in Pittsburgh as part of Trail Adventures.


Mike (AKA Partsbin, AKA theOptionalTurkey, AKA Goon) is a mad sendy mountain biker who recently moved from Pittsburgh to LA to work in the film industry. Mike’s phenomenal content skills and great digging experience allow him to share mountain biking with others.